Meyer™ introduces deep learning technology

Based on the needs of the market, at the beginning of 2022, Meyer announced the release of improved models of color sorters with Deep Learning technology.
Based on the needs of the market, at the beginning of 2022, Meyer announced the release of improved models of color sorters with Deep Learning technology.
A variety of crops and factors (planting time, weather conditions, seed quality, quality and quantity of fertilizers, etc.) affect the characteristics of the finished product, in particular, shape, color, texture and weight. It is these characteristics that are basic when sorting finished products.
To improve the quality of product sorting, Meyer developed Deep Learning technology, and now this technology is being implemented in new advanced color sorters.
The main difference between the updated Meyer™ optical sorters is the presence of an additional AI module that sets the exact settings of the color sorter to remove all raw material defects, the parameters of which are in the database or which can be defined by the customer. In addition, the data of models of various impurities that may be in sorted products are processed in the AI processor of the module.
Deep learning color sorters can identify and separate even subtle differences in shape, color and structure through 3D image reproduction.
Impurities such as sclerotia in sunflowers, rotten or split grains, subtle differences in color can now be identified and removed simultaneously in 1 sorting cycle.
Meyer always focuses on customer needs and never compromises on the quality of its equipment. That is why Meyer color sorters meet high quality standards and achieve 99.99% sorting purity.