The "JNL" company is a Ukrainian producer and exporter of grains, legumes, cereals and food products
The enterprise "JNL" belongs to the flour milling and grain industry. The administrative and production complex is located in Chernihiv. 20 km from the city there is a plant for the production of bread products and compound feed and grain warehouses with a capacity of 15,000 tons.
The capacities of the factories of the "JNL" enterprise allow processing up to 160 tons of grain per day. The main group of products offered by our company: cereals in assortment (ground peas (whole, chopped), corn groats, corn flour, ground millet groats, buckwheat groats (kernel), pearl groats, wheat groats).
According to the national business rating of PPTE "JNL" takes a leading place in the flour milling and grain industry and in the grain industry and is multidisciplinary.
In addition, the enterprise is engaged in wholesale trade of grain, legumes and food products. We supply soybeans, corn, millet, confectionery sunflower, lupine, chickpeas, coriander, mustard, vetch, fodder beans, flax seeds. To order, we can supply wheat, rye and corn flour, sunflower oil, beet sugar and other food products of Ukrainian production.
All products have a high biological and nutritional value and are intended both for consumption and for the needs of the food industry. At the same time, we always try to adhere to the optimal price/quality ratio.
The high quality of finished products is achieved by ensuring the stability of quality and safety at all stages of production, starting from the moment of selecting the supply of raw materials. The achievement of this goal is facilitated by the ISO - 9001:2015 quality management system and ISO 22000:2018 food safety management system implemented at the enterprise.

02 May 2022
Dear customers and partners, we officially inform you that from May 2, 2022, PVTP "JNL" resumed its work!
Articles on goods and services

05 December 2022Ukraine has a great agricultural potential to satisfy the need for a large amount of high-quality grain raw materials for the food and processing industries. Investment in these industries is considered one of the most attractive in the world, as most things can be postponed for another time, but the need for food is always a priority.
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